Don't let this place pass you by!~ Cute On Frame Mdular home (Being treated as a HUD home), sits on over 2 acres in the heart of Johnston County, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Living Room with FirePlace and a Back Den that leads to the back deck that looks over your huge back yard. Not to mention the welcoming front porch. Parking garage with storage work space, patio with firepit, wired workshop with shelter. Let's make this one yours, reach out to view today!~
- Antigüedad: 21-30 años de antigüedad
- Amenidades: Cubierta, Porche
- Equipamiento: Lavavajilla, Equipo de hielo, Cocina, Lavarropa
- Estilo arquitectónico: Estancia
- Tipo de fachada exterior: De ladrillo, Revestimiento Vinílico
- Hogar: Hogar
- Pisos: Alfombra, Vinílico
- Sistema de calefacción: Hogar, Aire Forzado, Bomba de calor
- Área del lote: 2.2 Acres
- Tipo de tejado: De metal
- Habitaciones: Pequeña sala de estar, comedor, Cocina, Living, Taller